Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Place Value

Doe Deer

 Doe Deer Rules

Doe Deer Cards

Doe Deer Game Board

Doe Deer Rules


  • Doe deer cards shuffled
  • Doe deer board

Getting started

  • Players cut the deck of cards, the player with the lowest card goes first. Wild deer card counts as a high card if you cut to an odd or even card cut the dec again until a number is selected.
  • Shuffle the cards one last time and the first player will take their turn.

Game play

  • A player selects the top card from the pile and puts it down in an open space. Number cards go into a number space and odd even cards go into a middle space. Once a card is played it must stay there till it is claimed. Once the card it put down it is the other players turn. If a player has no open spaces to play the card they selected they may play a card on top an already played card.
  • Once all spaces (the 4 number cards and the odd even card) have been played in a herd column then it can be claimed by the player who’s number matches the odd or even.
  • In the even that both players match the description the herd stays there until a card is played that allows a player to claim it.
    • Ex: If it is odd and both player have an odd number played then the herd stays there until an even card is played over the odd and a player plays an even card on top of the odd card or a player is able to create a double.
  • When a player wins a herd, they get to take all the cards in the herd column.
  • Doubles: If a player is able to create a double in a herd space they get to automatically claim all the cards in that herd column.

Winning the game

  • Once all the cards in the pile have been used up the players count up the cards they have claimed and the player with the most cards wins the game.



Gator Than Less Than

Gator Than Less Than

Gator Than Less Than Cards

Gator Than Less Than Board

Gator than Less than

• Set of Gator Cards
• Gator game board

Set up

Shuffle the cards then each player cuts the deck. The player that selects the lower number goes first. The order of cards from highest to lowest goes gator card, greater than card, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, decimal and less than.

Round play
Shuffle the deck one more time and place the cards on the pickup pile. The player who selected the lower number takes their first card
If it is a number card or a decimal, they place it on one of their open swamp banks.
If it is an operation card, they place it in the operation pile
Gator cards are wild cards a player can put it on any of their swamp banks and at the end of the round it can be any number the player chooses.
If a player has all of their swamp banks filled and the other player does not for their turn, they are able to take a card from the top of the deck however they must replace one of the cards on their swamp bank and put the card that was on their swamp bank in the discard pile.
If there is a card in the discard pile a player can pick the top card up to use on their swamp bank.
A round is over when both players swamp banks are full.

Deciding a winner
If the symbol on the top of the operation pile is the greater than symbol the player with the greater number wins the round If the symbol on the top of the operation pile is the lesser than symbol the player with the lower number wins the round.
Then the cards are shuffled, and another round is player with the opposite player going first.
First player to 3 tokens wins the game.

Base 10 Number Cards


Base 10 number Cards- Print out these power point slides and cut them out then you can use them for a variety of different multiple person activities. 

  • Find a partner and do greater than or less than
  • Find group of ___ and order from least to greatest.
  • Addition- Find a partner and add you number together. 
  • Subtraction- Find a partner, figure out who would have to be the total who would have to be "take away" and what is the remainder.