Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring


Coordinate 4

Coordinate 4




Object of the game is to get 2 rows of 4 either vertically, horizontally, diagonally or as a stack. (note for a stack it can be a combination of any of the players tokens the player who plays the fourth token gets to claim the stack).

Game play

Players shuffle the cards and cut the deck. The person with the lowest card is the dealer.

They shuffle the cards one more time and deals each player 6 cards.

The play starts with the person to the left of the dealer. They lay down 2 cards one in the x pile one in the y pile. The player then places one of their tokens on the corresponding spot. The player must play how they laid the cards down even if they meant to put them in the reverse order. It then becomes the next player turn.

Players are trying to get 4 in a row vertically, horizontally, diagonally.

If a player can play coordinates that have already been played they can place their token on top of the other players token. If there is a stack of 4 tokens it counts as line for the team that played the 4th token. A token cannot be played on top of a token that is part of an already completed line of 4.

  • Kings are all powerful- they are a wild card that do not need to be used with another card.
  • Queens remove a piece
  • Jacks are wild- Must be used with another card. For example, using a jack and an 8 to take coordinate (9,8)
  • All other Cards are their face value. An Ace counts as a 1.


A player wins when they have 2 lines of 4, 2 Stacks of 4 or a combination of 1 line and 1 stack.

4 X 4 Rally

4 X 4 Rally 


Game Board

4 X 4 Rally Rules

Object of the game is to get 2 rows of 4 either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Lines can go across quadrants.

Game play

Players shuffle the cards and cut the deck. The person with the lowest card is the dealer.

They shuffle the cards one more time and deals each player 5 cards.

The play starts with the person to the left of the dealer. They lay down 2 cards one in the x pile one in the y pile. The player then places one of their tokens on the corresponding spot. The player must play how they laid the cards down even if they meant to put them in the reverse order. It then becomes the next player turn.

Players are trying to get 4 in a row vertically, horizontally, diagonally.

If a player can play coordinates that have already been played they can replace or flip the token to take over the space. Even after a player has a row of 4 one of their tokens can be taken over and they will no longer have the row.

A player ends their turn by picking up 2 cards.

Winning the game

A player wins when they have 2 lines of 4. For a row to count there can only be 1 overlapping space. (a line of 5 in a row cannot count as 2 rows)